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年会文件下载 : 年会邀请函    参会注册表    演讲邀请函    赞助方案表    协办合作函  







1. The short name of the sponsor added to the annual conference title.

2. The sponsor being the co-organizer of the annual conference.

3. Enjoying all the benefits in Item 2, and half year free display advisement on first page of China Project Management Trainer’s Alliance Website.

4. Being co-organizer of APMG-China’s 4th annual conference in 2013 free of charge.


2Assistant Organizer

1. The contact list of all participants available.

2. One booth available.

3. One session (the company head or trainer) to present a speech at the conference.

4. The name and/or Logo of the assistant organizer shown in the relevant medias ( Invitation Letter, Annual Conference Website, conference brochure and Back Board etc.)

5. The staff of the assistant organizer being participants free of charge.

6.The assistant organizer’s materials put in the conference bags after approval by the conference organizer.

7. One full page advertisement of the assistant organizer in the conference brochure.

8. Can display one pull-up stand.

9. Half year’s free advertising on the first page of China Project Management Trainers’ Alliance’s website.


(contact List Available)



(Contact List Not Available)


3Conference Brochure Advertisement

Front Cover: CNY 6000

Back Cover: CNY 5000

   Include one quarter advertisements free of charge on China Project Management Trainer’s Alliance’s website.




电话咨询:010-52891612  63979259  52890103     邮件咨询:APMG@cpmta.com
QQ在线咨询:511524637    年会官网:www.cpmta.com/APMG2012